Wednesday, July 30, 2014

New Dancing Divas

I had not made some of my popular dancing divas for a while and the main reason was the lack of inspiration. I make the forms and then it is the process of dressing them up in unique outfits, figuring out construction, clothes, jewelry etc.. After making these for years, I know exactly what women mean when they say they have "Nothing to wear!!"
I am really happy with these new divas, their movement and grace makes me want to dance too. Which one is your favorite?

Knitting pattern makes to my pottery

I knew it would happen eventually, but didn't know exactly how. This is a small introduction of the knitting patterns to my pottery.

These small dishes are in progress and will be great for holding stitch markers, darning needles and other knitting notions. Several of these will be part of the goody bags being given at the Men's Fall Knitting Retreat. And guess where it takes place, just 2 miles from my home in Federal way. Who knew a hobby I pick up will have a retreat so close to home. I am really looking forward to it and learning more about this craft.
These dishes will be available for purchase later in my Etsy shop. If you want to reserve some, just send me a message on Etsy.