Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mug in use

I make pottery for people to use and I have had some customers who comment that my work is too pretty to use. I really don't get that. I love seeing a piece of my pottery being pulled out of the oven or microwave. Or someone using a bowl of mine for their morning cereal or a mug for coffee/tea. I guess the downside of selling pottery online is I cannot actually see my pottery being used.

Recently I got immense joy from one of my customers... actually a customer's wife ( We share the same first name.. creative). Her husband bought one of my Bollywood mugs for her birthday and she sent me shots of her enjoying her mug (

I love the shot of the mug with tea sitting on her table. I can tell she is enjoying her tea and my mug... well her mug now.

Getting feedback like this makes creating art really worth it. It is hard for me to describe how great it makes me feel that something that I created with my hands from a lump of clay is appreciated and used.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Vote for me for the Season of Love!!

Got some exciting news today. My Ceramic Candy basket has been selected for the Season of Love poll on the Storque on Etsy!
The top favorites in the voting get a chance to be in the gift guide for Valentines.
I would really appreciate a vote!
This is a completely new design. This piece was thrown on a potter's wheel and then altered to be oval in shape with a handle attached. It is decorated with a honey gold glaze with a bright red textured pattern with slip. The rim is designed to hold earrings or chains. They are great to gift candy or any small item to your loved one.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Salt Pepper Shakers Evolving

With every artist, work keeps evolving and changing. It doesn't even need to be intentional... sometimes it just happens. I for one keep experimenting and trying to do something new. It makes me excited about every piece and thrilled on opening the kiln. And where does one get ideas? Books, magazines, nature, movies, other art work and the list goes on.

In my trip to Dallas during Thanksgiving 2008, I visited David Hendley of who is a very impresive artist and also a very tall one....LOL. I am most impressed with his extrusion work. It was fun spending sometime with him and chatting about his process and studio. I bought his DVDs to add to my skills on extrusions and now you can see the change in my salt pepper shakers.

Earlier, I extruded them straight out and altered them pushing from the inside giving them curves and finished them with a top and bottom attached. This time around I added the "David Hendley" twist while extruding them and followed my process as before. I also made them more decorative by slip decoration emphasizing the movement in the piece. Earlier my shakers danced, now they have just that extra bit jump in their feet which I like. You can see the before and after pictures of the shakers and see for yourself. Also attached is a picture of David Hendley and me at the studio.... in case you are wondering.. I am the short one. :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Featured video on Ceramic Arts Daily

What an exciting day!! One of my videos showing my slip decoration tool was featured on Ceramic Arts daily. I got more than a 1000 hits on my website and lots of questions from other potters all around the world. The words of appreciation and comments on my work are always encouraging to push me to do better work. Thank you all.

Here is the link and step-by-step instructions... Enjoy

Sunday, January 4, 2009

500+ hearts on Etsy

This is really exciting. Getting 500+ hearts in my Etsy shop. It feels really good to know that your work is appreciated and liked by so many.

These hearts couldn't have come at a better time. I have been working in my studio preparing new items for Valentines. Though I am a little behind schedule, these items would make great gifts all through out the year.
This is the first time I am giving a shot at making pendants. These ceramic heart shaped pendants are decorated with slip and after glazing will be bright red with the intricate slip decoration. The ones in the picture still need to be glazed and should be ready really soon. I can't wait.

I have been making salt pepper shakers earlier and they make perfect wedding, valentine, house warming gifts. each pair has a personality just like every couple. These new ones have transformed a little from my previous ones and I will writing up another blog entry on their transformation.
Another new item are the baskets which can be used for gifting chocolates/candy to a loved one. After you are done with the candy these can be used by women for keeping their jewelry. The rim on the basket would be ideal for holding earings and the basket handle for chains. Once glazed I am hoping to get some good pictures to show what I mean.

This just makes me realize I have my work cut out for me for this week. Time to get busy.