Monday, January 12, 2009

Salt Pepper Shakers Evolving

With every artist, work keeps evolving and changing. It doesn't even need to be intentional... sometimes it just happens. I for one keep experimenting and trying to do something new. It makes me excited about every piece and thrilled on opening the kiln. And where does one get ideas? Books, magazines, nature, movies, other art work and the list goes on.

In my trip to Dallas during Thanksgiving 2008, I visited David Hendley of who is a very impresive artist and also a very tall one....LOL. I am most impressed with his extrusion work. It was fun spending sometime with him and chatting about his process and studio. I bought his DVDs to add to my skills on extrusions and now you can see the change in my salt pepper shakers.

Earlier, I extruded them straight out and altered them pushing from the inside giving them curves and finished them with a top and bottom attached. This time around I added the "David Hendley" twist while extruding them and followed my process as before. I also made them more decorative by slip decoration emphasizing the movement in the piece. Earlier my shakers danced, now they have just that extra bit jump in their feet which I like. You can see the before and after pictures of the shakers and see for yourself. Also attached is a picture of David Hendley and me at the studio.... in case you are wondering.. I am the short one. :)


  1. "Sassy and funky" is right! The two shakers have individual but related postures that suggest a pair of friends in conversation.

    I've really enjoyed looking at your work.


  2. Thank you so much. I see them as two individuals too. And every pair I make suggests a different relation. Sometimes it is friends, sometimes lovers, sometimes a guy begging for a kiss, sometimes a woman having attitude in front of her boyfriend... the list goes on.
    I am glad you enjoy my work. I keep listing more of these pairs on my website.
