Monday, May 18, 2009

Color feature of the Month

If you know my work, you know that I am always fascinated by color. I like the way different colors contrast or compliment each other. Sometimes it is just shades of the same color that are very fascinating.

I like browsing online and offline through different products, just to see how colors and patterns come together and which appeal to me. Instead of me always hunting around, I came up with this idea of why not have artists themselves share the color they have used in their products.

This brings me to the “Color Feature of the Week”. The way this works is that there will be one color that will be assigned on a Monday. All you have to do is post a handmade item of yours that closely matches to that color via the Etsy Forum. By the end of the week, I will pick out 6 items that match the color as close as possible and these items will be featured on my blog with links to your etsy shop. Along with the feature will be next week’s color.

For this starting week I have chosen the color dark turquoise and following are the featured sellers.

The color for next week is light plum. If you would like to be featured next week, post your items with the color light plum in this forum.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for including my bracelet. I love those colors. Just beautiful.
