Being an engineer, I am always problem solving. And being an artist, I am always striving to be creative and create new work. Seems like a good combo to me and but it can be an overdose of ideas floating in my head at all times.
I have made incense holders in the past and designed them such that the ash fell directly on the tray rather than creating a mess all around. These still work very well and have beautiful stamped patterns on them. A few months back I started thinking of how to make them even more interesting. This is when I designed a lidded incense holder. The lid has holes through which the incense smoke escapes making these smooth curvy patterns. Of course I went crazy decorating these lids. They took me forever but I love the way they look and especially when the incense is lit. I just posted some on Etsy in my shop.
Another I have had on my mind is oil vinegar bottles. I have been struggling to get a form which would work and had made a few prototypes but not to my liking. This is when observing everything around you becomes important. Just be aware and enjoy and take in all that you see. I was looking at the smoke patterns from the incense holders and decided that is the shape I want. I made a new extruder die, got to work and made these oil vinegar bottles. These still need to be decorated but couldn't wait to share my Aha! moment. Looking at the group photograph they look like dancers in Bollywood dance routine. LOL!
LOL you are so right, your new incense burners do look as though they are dancing. They seem very fluid and have a lot of movement to them. Outstand !
Your incense holders are beautiful and very practical in their design. No mess and very indiscreet.
i love the shapes and poses of your vinegar bottles. The one second from the left in front row reminds me of a woman stand as if she were hand on hip in a sort of sexy way. Very nice, can't wait to see them finished!
Thanks all. I do like to make my work with movement. And a lot of it does land up looking sassy and sexy. Headed to the studio to glaze them. I can't wait to see them finished my self. :)
I love your work! The vinegar bottles are fluid and beautiful. I can't wait to see how you decorate them. The incense burners are wonderful too. Your creative flair is brilliant! I really must throw my budget away and visit your shop. lol
Oh my gosh, I LOVE the incense burners! I'm always on the look out for new ones that fit my style.. I'm definitely on my way to your shop now to check them out!
You are so talented! Great work!!
peace and love,
Thanks Katie. I just sold one this week. Always great to sell new work!
Love all of your pottery...full of life!
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