Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Winner of Business Card Design

Firstly I would like to thank each and everyone of you who provided input on my business card designs. I wouldn't have been able to look into all the aspects of it just by myself.

The votes for the vertical and horizontal were really 50/50, each with its pros and cons, so it was a tough decision for me.

Even though I liked the vertical more when I posted the two designs, I have gotten convinced to go with the horizontal design with the input I have got from all of you.

The vertical had many challenges.
Firstly the font of my information gets reduced and if the purpose of a business card is to communicate your contact info, it should be clearly visible.
Several mentioned about it not having a conventional convinient way to store and look up.

Even though the detail of my work was very visible, I have noticed that several people don't recognize the picture of my butter dishes. It is eye catching, but several ask me.."What is that?" And with the sculpture picture behind, my functional work is not showcased very well.

To remedy that I tried including a few more pictures of my work in the vertical design, but the orientation just didn't work. Everything got too tiny when I looked at a printout.

I tried front horizontal and back vertical, and that felt like there is an error in printing the cards.

So I am going with the horizontal design.
I moved around my addresses and website, so the info side looks more balanced.

Made changes in the images.
Removed the Black background and went with a gradient instead.
Here is the final design.
(Blurred area is where my physical address goes)

The winners picked at random for the business card design are
Jim Bob Howard
Cara Zavisho and Ben Trask

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Business Card Design

I need your help again! I am designing my new business card and need your opinion.
The ones which I have are not that great and this time I wanted them printed both front and back.

Another thing I wanted to try was doing a vertical orientation.

And there is something for you to gain in this too. Please comment in whether you would like Vertical or Horizontal design and also tell me why. And if you would change something what would it be.

Two random people will be chosen to receive my heart shaped pendant (See picture below). So this is a Win-Win situation!

Winner will be announced on Tuesday August 17th, so start posting your comments!
I really appreciate your inputs!
PS: Blurred area is where my address will appear.
Vertical Option:

Horizontal Option:

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Coconut Cake

Every now and then I get into baking/cooking mode. It had been a while since I baked a cake, so decided to make a simple coconut and cherry cake.

Here is the recipe
6oz butter
3/4 cup sugar (I have reduced this from 1 cup, because I don't like extra sweet cakes)
1 1/2 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
3 eggs (beaten)
1/2 cup dessicated cocunut
1/4 cup cherries chopped
1/2 tsp vanilla essense (opt)
3-4 tbsp milk

Cream the butter and sugar till pale and fluffy.
Graudually beat in the eggs + vanilla essense.
Fold in the sifted flour+bk pwder
Fold in the cocunut with teh cherries.
Add milk to get to dropping consistency
Bake at 350 for 1/2 hour our till a tooth pick comes out clean.
